Re-Branding Wikipedia Communities: RWC is a social practice intervention and ongoing digital renovation campaign based on posted calls I drafted from 2011-2015. It's an evolving activist collaboration with social practice artists and cool folks from various communities across the country. Adjacent images are screenshots from project collaborations with Tri-Cities, WA and Harrisonburg, VA residents recognizing the need to renovate and enhance the Wikipedia pages related to the creative class and cultural capital of their respective regions. Through an ongoing grassroots campaign of virtual and web presence enhancement, thoughtful aesthetic-image integration, and the editing and posting of articles related to the respective communities and their cultural capital, the interventions emphasize the strengths and narratives of its diverse constituents. Many thanks to TC residents: Spencer Brown, Eduardo Esparaza, Esther Flatau, Tiffany Ford, Araceli Fuentes, Merlin Hawranke, and Dianna Martin for serving as pilot researchers. And 2nd round research assistants: Cece Banh, Emily Byers, Hannah, Croskrey, Lori Ehlis, Michael Feser, Melinda Garza, Jocelyn Giles, Brian Gomez, Thomas Holland, Nik Rex, Madison Rosenbaum, and Nate Taylor. Project continues.