Left Of Centre: Left of Cente (LOC) was founded in 2000 in Detroit, MI. LOC wears many hats: a Consulting Firm of epic proportions, an ongoing online art project, an experimental video production company, and a creative collaboration between Signore Nessuno and Brothers Christenson. The site features over 90 short films, several sound and audio compositions, political writings, prose, poetry, and literary criticism. Dare I say, it is the Tetragammaton incarnate. The collaboration has also been designing and selling clothing and merchandise since 2001 and boasting (rather unnecessarily) an average of 65,000 hits a month. Currently, LOC members are found everywhere from the streets of Detroit to the Piazze of Rome; together these men and women constitute the Ministers of Propaganda.
>> Check Left of Centre out here; it will warm your soul. |