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Old people died first when the plague came to town. It wasn't like the virus in Tri Cities was that different from the virus in Kirkland or the virus in New York City. First, an 80-year-old woman died. Then a man in his 80’s. A woman in her 90’s. A man in his 70’s. All of those first deaths were old folks. That is, if those were really even the first people to die from COVID-19. The government never seemed to know what was happening during the early days of the plague.
Public health officials were surprised on March 18 when they identified the first COVID-19 case in the Tri-Cities, but within days it would become clear that the virus was already spreading like wildfire across Pasco, Richland, and Kennewick. The deadly disease was traveling from neighbor to neighbor; the virus was multiplying inside its victims, destroying cells until hearts failed to pump blood, lungs failed to absorb oxygen.
On March 27, Gov. Jay Inslee shutdown every “non-essential” business in the state, closing restaurants, theaters, and churches in an attempt to force a "social distance" between people and stop the virus’s spread. Science would eventually vindicate the governor’s decision: the COVID-19 virus spreads from human to human and studies have confirmed that spending prolonged time indoors with other humans (like in a restaurant or a church) creates the biggest risk for being infected by the disease. But many people across the state rejected the governor’s orders and never respected the rules. Tri Cities became a hotbed of cavalier behavior, sometimes from the community’s own leaders. Pastors broke the rules. Restaurant owners broke the rules. Even sheriffs and state legislators broke the rules.
Caught between the governor’s orders and Tri Cities’ Covid deniers were residents who believed COVID-19 was a real threat but lived in a place where few people took it seriously. What do you do when you fear for your life yet you see your sheriff foolishly gathering in large groups during a pandemic? One option is to report your neighbors (and even the sheriff himself) to the coronavirus violation hotline, a state-run service that allows people to report violations of Washington's covid restrictions. Over 3,200 complaints were filed against businesses or organizations in Benton and Franklin counties, the two counties that include the Tri-Cities Metropolitan Area. Legal action was almost never taken, but these collective violations form a type of cathartic emotional record of what life was like in the center of a town that largely ignored pandemic precautions.
Editor’s Note: The following stories have been reported to the Washington State Department of Health between May 1, 2020 and Feb. 1, 2020, either through an online form or through a phone hotline. These stories are not considered statements of fact, but rather characterizations of a contemporary mood. They have been lightly edited.
12/19/2020 - 11:46am
Business: ***** Bakery
Several customers without masks breathing on doughnuts and pastries.
11/23/2020 - 07:51pm
Business: ********** Grocery
On Nov. 22 around 6 am, I went to the checkout line to pay for my groceries. The cashier was wearing his mask partially down on his face. I asked him if he would please cover his nose. He mumbled "you don't want me to breathe?" This was a healthy looking young man.
05/02/2020; 07:40am
Business: Craft *********
I was asked to come back to work and I did [with] the assumption that we will be getting ready to open, I didn’t want to refuse work due to the fact I need my job!... The store is ignoring the Stay at home order placed by the governor on Friday May 1st 2020. There are no plans on closing the store instead they are pushing curb-side ordering and single person shopping and planning to open the store Monday and or Tuesday May 4th/May 5th. This is not an essential business. Do I have the right to refuse work? Asking for myself and other employees.
07/07/2020 - 02:05am
Business: ******* Rodeo
I had reported this large event going on weeks ago. To learn no attempt to stop this event or break it up... not by the governor's office!! And of all things the Franklin County Sheriff's were directing traffic at the rodeo!!! How does this happen?, when a governor's order is law and is in place, but yet the professionals who are paid to protect the public and enforce the laws are now picking and choosing which laws to enforce and which public to protect? The health department did not do anything to stop this event to which event taking place now threatens the lives of my entire family. My family has abided by the governor's orders for the sake of ourselves and of others… Inslee did absolutely nothing to protect me! or my family did he? If we get sick. I will send all the bills to Olympia, and I will send updates and pictures of me and my husband battling the virus, with being over 50 years old, and diabetic. What a complete disappointment I have in our system. No wonder Washington state is so overwhelmed with this virus. We have a person in charge with no care of the public.
08/01/2020 - 06:01am
Business: All of Tri Cities
If you step outside or take a drive you see a town without worry. You see parks full, children playing. Traffic and people without protection for themselves or others. Distance isn't a factor for this place. Tell me when the madness will stop. Those of us forced to do our best to stay home and do our part are not enough. It's spreading at an unbelievable rate and you modify things so it can get worse. Where is the logic behind that. Staying healthy isn't going to be easy if the rules keep bending for those who won't oblige to follow.
02/01/2021 - 02:11pm
Business: Farmer’s *******
In the market for a new riding lawnmower, I stopped at Farmers Exchange in Kennewick shortly before 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 1. At the front door, I looked inside and two men inside the showroom were not wearing masks. I didn't go inside.
I plan to purchase the $2,000 lawnmower elsewhere.
07/06/2020 - 02:15pm
Business: ******* ****** Metals
I am concerned for my husband's health as he is high risk. They do not wear masks! They got a case last week. Did not inform. Did not shut down the area. Did not sanitize. Now there are 3 cases out there and they are trying to keep people quiet about it by saying it will lose our jobs! They haven't followed any protocol since the start…
11/26/2020 - 12:05pm
Business: ******** Gas Station
While standing in line to make a purchase inside of the store, I witnessed a man (unmasked and who identified himself as the store manager) refuse service to a female patron who had told him he needed to wear a mask… He said something to the effect that he was the store manager and referred to his civil rights. The lady who had been standing in line to make a purchase did not give up and continued to explain why he should be wearing a mask. When it was her turn in line he instructed the clerk behind the counter not to allow the lady to make a purchase and then told her to leave. The lady agreed to leave and told the manager he was “a fucking asshole.” This was witnessed by at least 5 or 6 other patrons. The lady was completely correct in her request for the manager to wear a mask and only became agitated once she was refused service.
01/20/2021 - 08:41pm
Business: ** ******* Church
** ******* Church is still holding large church services and on January 7th held a large, indoor funeral. My 92-year old mother-in-law attended mass there on January 3rd and on January 10th developed Covid symptoms and is now in the hospital.
01/03/2021 - 10:59am
Business:********* ********* Church
This church is exceeding the maximum number of attendees for services, including singing in their services, not social distancing and not requiring masks. When the lead pastor was asked why, he said "people have a right to worship. we encourage, but do not require mask wearing, and people need fellowship. If people feel unsafe, they don't need to attend." There have been at least 3 confirmed covid cases that originated in this church and yet they continue to function in this reckless manner
12/31/2020 - 04:44pm
Business: *** ****** **** Hotel
The hotel allowed a mass baptism in the pool of a crowd of at least 40 people who were not hotel guests while guests were swimming. Multiple had no mask nor was it enforced as they sang and chanted.
01/28/2021 - 11:58am
Business: **** ****** Restaurant
I ordered takeout and when i arrived, the restaurant was full of people with 2 more people waiting in the lobby… The cashier said to me twice, "come in, just come in" and I said sternly, "no. I don't want to. You come out." The people in the lobby and many of the patrons were staring at me and seemed to be on a spectrum from nervous to aggressive. They know they're breaking the spirit and the letter of the law.
01/26/2021 - 10:16pm
Business: ****** County Jail
Inmates being booked in are placed into cells with other inmates to wait out and quarantine with each other. Inmates are having to sleep on floor. Inmates try on masks and was to small so thrown back into tub of masks for another to wear after on someone else's face. Correction officers not wearing masks.
01/11/2021 - 11:43am
Business: **** Gastropub
Business is allowing in-house dining. I went to Tri-Cities today (Saturday 1/9/21) and, not being familiar with the area, I used Google Maps to locate a place to eat close to Costco. I called ***** Gastropub on ****** ***** Boulevard and asked if they had any outdoor dining. The gentleman who answered the phone said, "No, but we have more comfortable seating." I replied, ”Are you saying you have indoor seating?" His reply was, "I can neither confirm nor deny that we have indoor seating. Why don't you come by and take a look?"
06/01/2020 - 01:08pm
Business: **** Gastropub
I am an Uber driver and there was two customers inside the facility drinking beers. This should not be aloud
12/22/2020 - 10:45pm
Business: ****** ***** Inn
****** ***** Inn is planning a New Year's Eve Party in its banquet room with a band and alcohol. There are a minimum of 100 people with reservations at this point. They are claiming the band is "practicing" upstairs on NYE and that it isn't an official concert. This sure sounds like a super spreader event to me and felt it was my moral responsibility to report it to someone.
12/21/2020 - 01:33am
Business: Washington State Government
Washington State government is asking for communist behavior from the citizens of this state. This is UNAMERICAN behavior and needs to stop immediately before it destroys our country.
11/21/2020 - 05:29pm
Business: ***** Gym
They are referring a regular gym as a "wellness center" from what I understand there is several gyms in the Tri Cities area using this to say they are an essential business.
11/21/2020 - 10:27am
Business: ****** Clinic
There is a tennis tournament at this “clinic”. Indoors. No masks required. But high school sports are required to practice outside or not at all. Please redefine “clinic” so these gyms cannot do this.
11/21/2020 - 06:40am
Business: ****** Clinic
Please shut down the “wellness centers” that are just rebranded gyms. Our numbers are 600+/100k. At this rate, only certain ESSENTIAL clinics or medical care should be open. These gyms who found a loophole are non-essential and have not limited capacity. They are putting our community at risk. Instead of promoting wellness, they are promoting disease transmission.
11/19/2020 - 08:38pm
Business: Gyms in Tri-Cities, WA
Multiple gym's within Kennewick, Richland and Pasco are all changing their names to "Health Centers" in order to solely circumvent the recent opening restrictions, thus allowing them to remain or stay open and continue spreading the Coronavirus. These businesses who are falsely changing their name or business type need to be shut down and close as per the recent governor's 4 week proclamation. Many businesses in the Tri-Cities are and will not follow this proclamation / protocol and must be reprimanded in order to help stop this virus!