Cool Crime Stat Thingos: Based on a PDF version of compiled crime statistics from the ASU Tempe Campus Security and Police for the years 2008-2010, Cool Crime Stat Thingos analyzes said data like a pseudo-statistician (rather poorly and improperly, most likely), pumps out very questionable graphs in data software, and rearranges data as x and y coordinates in vector software fostering digital "art" prints. The guns on the engendered prints are ultimately positioned on the canvas according to reinterpreted data reported by the ASU police. The adjacent photos depict some of the charts as well as the art prints. Data are color-represented according to each year: 2008 (blue), 2009 (red), 2010 (green). "Data coordinates" will also be plotted on Google Maps in the oh so near future (I'm guessing Nigeria, again). |